Parabolan Bodypharm is a trading name of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonateate, also known as Tren-Hex.
This is the longer-acting esterified variant of the Anabolic steroid Trenbolone and is an injectable steroid. The base steroid of Hex (Trenbolone) is about three times more Androgenic than Testosterone, making it a pretty potent drug.
Tren hex is considered to be one of the best cutting steroids of all time. It is a known fact that many competitive bodybuilders will not prepare for a show without using this steroid. Tren hex will provide you with tremendous fat loss effects but will also preserve the muscle mass gained while training.
Trenbolone will harden your physique like no other steroid. If you are already lean, you’ll appear harder, more vascular and much more defined following the cycle. Parabolan can be used on its own but it’s recommended to add Testosterone into any cycle to avoid suffering any sexual dysfunction. When cutting, stacking Tren Hex with other Anabolic steroids such as Masteron or Winstrol will only intensify the already dramatic effects of Tren Hex.
Because Tren Hex is a longer-acting format of Trenbolone, cycles of Parabolan Bodypharm usually run a bit longer than normal (in the range of 12-14 weeks). This is due to the amount of time required to achieve peak optimal blood plasma levels of the compound. Athletes and bodybuilders reported noticeable changes and gains anywhere between the fourth and sixth week of the cycle. For this reason, it is highly recommended to cycle this steroid longer. By cutting the cycle short, the user will not benefit from the full effects of this steroid.
Parabolan Bodypharm is in high demand in bodybuilding, powerlifting, crossfit, and other sports. However, boxers are not in a hurry to use Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonateate, because it significantly increases muscle mass. For a two-month cycle, an athlete can gain 15 to 20 pounds, and in boxing, the weight category is very critical.
But in bodybuilding, the athlete will use Trenbolone to get all the benefits that this powerful steroid provides. It is possible in a short period of time to gain muscle mass of excellent quality. In this case, without a set of adipose tissue, because the drug is not prone to water retention or bloating. Powerlifters and other sports athletes receive from this steroid a significant increase in power indicators. At the same time, the mass is growing, but “pure”.
Trenbolone is perfectly combined with Drostanolone and Testosterone. This combination leads to powerful synergy. However, the use of Drostanolone esters (long and short) allows to reduce the dosage of both the Trenbolone and Testosterone. Trenbolone is also combined on the cycle with Testosterone and Nandrolone. This cycle is also designed for quick weight gain. However, one must be careful – Nandrolone can strongly Aromatize!
Those who have used other steroids but never tried Trenbolone should consider 150-250mg per week to start off with and assess the tolerance level. Intermediate users may tolerate anywhere from 250-450mg per week of Tren-Hex. Advanced or experienced users have been known to use 500mg or more per week of this steroid.
Post Cycle Therapy or “PCT” is an essential process that people go through once they’ve finished a cycle of steroids. The objective is to get their body back to its normal state so it can start naturally producing hormones again. Once a run of steroids is over, a user will start their post cycle therapy.
PCT is essential to prevent long-term impairment of Testosterone production in the body. Without PCT, Testosterone levels may never return to normal and replacement therapy may be required permanently.
Most individuals will use Nolvadex for PCT rather than Clomid because it is less harsh on the body. Nolvadex can come with some side effects as well.
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